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Sunday, June 11, 2017

ETHICS: A Matter of Importance in Every Real Estate Interaction

     There are a lot of jokes about salespeople, and those of us in real estate sales are certainly not immune from unflattering depictions of less than trustworthy behavior.  But there is a very important aspect of our profession that requires us to individually and collectively uphold the law and maintain the standards of our industry: we are licensed professionals, by the Department of State, under the Real Estate License Law and we have a Code of Ethics by which we obligate ourselves.
     REALTORS® have duties to their clients, customers, and the public and to each other, as defined the National Association of REALTORS Code of Ethics.®  All sellers and buyers, should be aware of our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice that affect how we do business and interface with you.  Here are some pertinent excerpts: 
     “REALTORS® shall not knowingly or recklessly make false or misleading statements about other real estate professionals, their businesses, or their business practices.” This article in our code of ethics requires us to rise above the temptation to “put down” a competitor, with unfair or misleading remarks, including when discussing the prospects of listing a seller’s home. 

     REALTORS® have a duty to protect and promote their client’s interest while being honest with all parties.  As a consumer, you are entitled to truthful representations from the seller’s agent regardless of the fact that he/she does not represent you.
     REALTORS® are obligated to disclose pertinent, material defects or adverse factors about a property.  As a seller, disclosure of “pertinent and material” issues is always the best policy.  Most issues can be resolved if they are dealt with up front and with transparency.

     REALTORS® are not permitted to interfere with another Realtor’s exclusively represented client. Realtors cannot deal directly or solicit another Realtor’s client.  Exaggerated erroneous statements or using another REALTORS® photo representations in advertising are not permitted in print or on websites.
     REALTORS® are not to take unfair advantage over their competitors. They should not misrepresent their agency relationship to another REALTOR’S® client or suggest that a buyer’s agent cannot have access to or sell their “exclusive” listing.

     We would be happy to supply you with a copy of our REALTORS® Code of Ethics, just give us a call or stop by our office.  At Beninati Associates you’ll always get a straight answer from us ... we promise to “do the right thing”.

Source: The Code of Ethics, National Association of REALTORS® Copyright 2017.

Visit us on our website: beninatiassociates.com  We listen, we care…….and we get results.

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